A new way of living...

In the past six months, I have increased my knowledge and drive for learning to eat well and to exercise. But, in the past two months, I have really found peace in being more diligent with it and within the past week, I have discovered a new plan.

(please note: when I say "diet", I mean that in terms of balance of food groups, proportions, and regularity. I am not a fan of strict diets which leave you hungry or dieting which denies an entire food group).

I don't do it perfectly.
I often have to start over again (implied: I stopped doing it at some point).
I need LOTS of encouragement from my husband
I find myself in tears when I don't get the results I want when I want them.
I love sugar.
I find new methods on a regular basis (I get bored easily).
I am the best critic of myself and I often need someone on the outside to help balance my view of myself.

Things I have learned:
All new methods should lead to the same thing: food balance and exercise.
If you cheat on your "plan", don't worry: just keep going like it didn't happen. Don't give up altogether.
If you can't find time for 20-30 minutes of exercise every day, you should reconsider your lifestyle and priorities (this was hard for me!).
Be patient and remind yourself: it's about being healthy; not about being a certain size.

Last week I had a "slap in the face" when I saw some recent pictures of myself. The worst part? The weeks preceding these pictures, I had worked tirelessly on my diet and exercise routine and I still looked bloated and fat. I was incredibly discouraged. I cried and vented and felt angry and embarrassed and many other emotions. This is where the concept of time comes into play. It could take twice as long to lose a pound than it did to gain it.

I have had a change of perspective. I don't really consider myself a big eater but I don't think I looked at food as the simplicity that it is: substance to live by. I look at food and ask: "Is this beneficial to my body?"

The answer is, often, "No."

Are sugars out of the question? No.
Should I eat a lot of it? No.
Do I even eat it every day? No.

In my experience, the more strict you get, the harder it is to follow through. So, make it simple for yourself. Keep It Simple Stupid.


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